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Celebrating Earth Day

Seven years. 

The ticking Metronome clock in the downtown of New York City delivers a jarring, but inescapable truth about the Earth and those who care about its preservation: we are running out of time. This message, however unsettling, is a reminder that the resources and beauty that we often take for granted from our planet could all vanish in the span of less than a decade. 

And we have No Planet B.

However, this also presents us all with an opportunity to wake up, speak up, and take action.  

Tomorrow, on April 22nd, the United States will be celebrating the 51st Earth Day, a day to recognize the progress of the environmental protection movement and to acknowledge the work that remains to be done. Throughout the month of April, or Earth Month, Pavé The Way has been sharing knowledge about the environment and the changes we can all make. 

What is Earth Day and its origins?

Earth Day began in 1970, the year the National Environmental Policy Act was passed into law, following the efforts of activists fighting against air and water pollution, and for the preservation of nature. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd of that year, organized by Senator Gaylord Nelson and Dennis Hayes, and millions marched to demand continued action.  

Who are some of the leaders Paving the Way for Environmental justice today?

The face of environmental activism today is diverse, with young people using their voice and their power to demand change. These young changemakers are doing work all across the country and the world. They are speaking up and making a difference in their communities, and leading the way for us to follow in the footsteps.  

Quannah Chasinghorse, a 17 year old from the Han Gwich’in and Lakota Sioux Nations has been speaking up to protect native lands and their people. She has been taking action to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which faces erosion due to oil drilling and rising temperatures.  

Kulsum Rifa, a 19 year old from New York City, advocates for climate refugees in her home country of Bangladesh, where rising tides are causing floods, killing and displacing countless families, and submerging parts of the country underwater.

Helena Gualinga, a 17 year old from the Sarayuku community of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador has been a voice for protection of indegenous land against wildfires, which are becoming more prevalent with climate change.

Vic Barrett, a 20 year old of the Afro-indigenous community of St. Vincent is suing the U.S. government for pushing native people from their land, and the exploitative practices that are threatening to submerge this land underwater. He is outspoken about the intersections of the climate crisis, institutional oppression of marginalized groups, and Indigenous land dispossession.

There are so many other activists, both young and old who are part of this urgent movement. 

The effects of climate change impact communities of color and poor communities at a disproportionate rate. Even across the globe, countries who least contribute to the climate crisis are facing the most negative consequences for the actions of countries like the U.S. However, with the pollution of our own waterways, with the wildfires across our Western coast, with increasingly disastrous hurricanes across our Eastern coast, it is clear that the threat is at our doorsteps as well. 

Therefore, it is up to all of us, to continue to uplift the work of these changemakers. Without action, the world that young people like myself will inherit will be an uninhabitable one and we refuse to accept this. So with every action we take, we seek to be a force for change in a positive direction.  

Why do we care?

At Pavé the Way, we are committed to sustainability and celebrating Earth Day as we recognize the impact of environmental issues and their intersection with larger issues in our country and around the globe. As a sustainably sourced and conflict-free jewelry company, we hope to continue to play our part to protect the planet and uplift those doing the work to preserve its riches. 

What are some ways you can wear your values with Pavé The Way this Earth Day?

With every purchase, we encourage our community of customers to put purpose behind their purchase. You can start a conversation with a unique piece from one of collections to show how you care for the Earth. You can wear our No Planet B pieces to tell others how you “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint”, or to say that “Plastic Straws Suck” and that we should all take part in "No Lid'dering". You can also rock some of the amazing fruits our Earth produces to tell your own story through our Food for Thought collection. Or you can choose a piece from our Empower Tools collection and “Use Your Voice” and “Wield Your Power” to speak up and take action on these important issues. You can “Unlock Your Passion and Purpose” for environmental issues and encourage all those in your community to stand “Stronger Together” against the climate crisis and do it “Loud and Proud”.


No matter what pieces you choose, you have the power to have 100 percent of the profits from your purchase go to an organization that supports your values! 

As we celebrate Earth Day, we hope you will join us and share your stories of how you are paving the way. The work ahead requires all of us to take action, to pave the way in our communities, through the purpose we put behind our purchase, so that we can continue to enjoy the Earth for a long and bright future. 


Earthday.orgEnvironmentalhistory.orgNew York TimesVice Nasa Climate